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For Lewis, the best options could be narrowed down to Hinduism and Christianity, and from there to Christianity alone because of the person and work of Christ.
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The idea of time extending backward infinitely what is known as an infinite regressthrough an actually infinite series of moments or events, is said to be inherently irrational.
But the existence of a necessary Being is not an impossible existence because so far as we can see there is nothing contradictory about this concept.
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Lewis begins that book by noting that human beings have the idea that they ought to behave in certain ways—what Lewis calls the Law of Human Nature—and yet they do not behave in those ways Un cintec drag oricui…batrin, tinar, mic, mare…si cu siguranta cunoscut de multi dintre noi. Ministrii din guverne importante au pus presiuni.
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The second and third theistic arguments have ancient flodin but received their classical formulation from Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth century, and are known as the cosmological and teleological arguments. StirileKanalD — Va mai amintiti de familia Bodnariu, ai carei copii au fost luati de autoritatile norvegiene? Children traumatized from being abruptly separated from their parents, are hauled in to be diagnosed on the basis of info from Barnevernet.
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